“I’m so thankful for the process you have of indoor air decontamination for it has changed the quality of my life and health more than I could have ever imagined possible. I never realized how much sickness could come from mold spores that grow and spread because of a hidden water leak.
My allergy problems had skyrocketed to the point where my doctor could not prescribe a medication that would help; I was coming down with an infection every three months and every time my granddaughter came to visit me, she became sick with respiratory problems and would frequently end up in the hospital.
After the water leak was repaired and the decontamination treatment of only four hours was completed, I noticed a dramatic difference the very first night. I was able to sleep straight through the night and not wake up because of stuffiness and itchy eyes. Being able to live in a ‘healthy home’ instead of a ‘sick home’ without the recurring infections is worth much more than the cost of your service.