TherOzone T-SB100 For Offices and Facilities
Ozone Bacterial Efficacy and T-SB100 Testing
TherOzone Sanitizing Spray Bottle T-SB100 for Office & Facilities
The broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties of ozone are well documented. Ozone has been used to treat municipal drinking water for more than 100 years. Ozone as a surface sanitizer has been validated in food processing plants, including meat and fish processing facilities. It is used to keep fruit and vegetables fresher, and is used in wine-making and the majority of water and prepared-drink bottling. Many industries sanitize surfaces with ozonated water. It can be sprayed directly on floors, drains, walls, tanks (inside and outside), fruit bins, and any other wet-able, non-rubber, non-fiberglass surfaces.

TherOzone, using ADEPT™ technology, has harnessed the power of ozone and made ultra-compact ozone applications possible. The TherOzone T-SB100 Sanitizing Spray Bottle employs a proprietary electrolytic ozone cell made with boron-doped synthetic-diamond technology. The handheld battery-powered spray unit produces low concentration dissolved ozone (O3) from water ON DEMAND. This powerful yet ‘green’ sanitizer is ideal for a wide variety of surface sanitization applications.
This document summarizes some of the results gathered during testing of the T-SB100 and seeks to answer commonly asked questions about testing and efficacy.
Efficacy Testing – ASTM E1153-03
The microbial efficacy of the T-SB100 has been confirmed by an accredited lab i using the EPA OCSPP ii 810.2300 “Product Performance Test Guidelines”. In this guideline EPA recommends the ASTMiii E1153-03 “Sanitizers for Use on Hard Surfaces, Efficacy Data Recommendations”. This guideline describes test methods that the EPA believes will generally satisfy testing requirements of the FIFRA iv and the FFDCA v. The guideline addresses effectiveness testing of antimicrobial pesticides bearing claims for use as sanitizers.
The TherOzone product sample was tested per ASTM E1153-03 against each test bacterium on stainless steel carrier or glass slide, using 5 test carriers and 3 control carriers. The test microorganisms are: (S. aureus) (ATCC 6538) and (K. pneumoniae) (ATCC vi 4352). The sample should demonstrate a reduction of 99.9% (a 3-log10 reduction) in the number of each test microorganism over the parallel control count within a time period of 5 minutes. The test results indicate that the ozone-enriched water generated by the TherOzone spray bottle meets the requirements of the ASTM test method and can be used to sanitize hard surfaces.
URFresh uses the technology, according to manufacturer instructions, to sanitize facilities.
About URFresh and the FreshStart In Home Allergy Treatment
The Freshstart In Home Allergy Treatment Process was introduced in 2001 as an Alternative Allergy Treatment Option that is an effective and economical solution to many of today’s Indoor Air Quality Problems. The FreshStart In Home Allergy Treatment process eliminates the negative impact of of most indoor allergens, surface mold, odors and the effects of dust mites. Each day, contaminates such as surface mold, viruses, germs, bacteria, outgassing chemicals, and allergens are accumulating in homes and offices. The company’s scientific breakthrough eliminates these and many other indoor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems.
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